Parsnip mash, mushrooms and egg brunch

Just slipping in this delicious gluten free brunch before February vanishes.  It’s a yummy combination of parsnip, mushroom and optional eggs.  We ate it in Amsterdam on our last road trip in a cafe not far from Oosterpark.

I’ve changed it a bit, taking away the toast and white chocolate (?!) and adding a splash or three of truffle oil to the mushrooms.  I know truffle flavour can be a marmite thing, either you love or hate it, so if you’re not a fan just leave it out.

A simple and easy recipe and not a combination I’ve tried before, and perhaps it’s new to you as well.  Hope you like it!

Ingredients for a twosome brunch:

2 organic parsnips, roughly chopped (peel if not organic)
300g mixed woodland or shiitake mushrooms, roughly chopped
2-4 softly boiled or poached eggs (either 1 or 2 eggs each)
3-4 tbsp oatmilk or oatcream (for the mash)
olive oil
truffle oil
small handful chopped parsley
cress for decoration
sea salt, pepper to taste


Whilst you boil the parsnip chunks, lightly fry the mushrooms in a little olive oil, adding the finely chopped parsely and pepper and sea salt to taste.  Keep warm whilst you either poach or softly boil your eggs.

Drain the parsnips, add oat milk or oat cream and season, then mash or blend, however you like the texture.

Drizzle your truffle oil on the mushrooms then layer up your dish.  Parsnip mash as a base, then mushrooms topped with the eggs.  Top with cress or more fine parsley, easy.


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